Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How to be a Good Server

Do you know what I enjoy about my job? We have a very friendly environment. We have a very open environment too. But it didn't just happen one day. We didn't wake up and say, "hey, I want to be best friends with that person today."
Here are some tips to having a good work environment as a waiter or waitress.
 1. First of all, don't take anything personally. If a server yells at you, don't worry about it. That server has just gotten very frustrated and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Give them a few minutes, and it will all be okay, they just need a moment to cool off.
2. Don't be afraid to tell another server how you feel about a table, if you've never waited tables before, you probably don't understand how disrespected servers are. And it's okay to ask someone who has been there longer than you how they handle difficult tables.
3. You will not get tipped every time a table leaves. We all complain about getting stiffed (a zero dollar tip.) It will happen to you to. The best thing to do is move on with your day.
4. Customers want free food. And they will do anything they can to get it. That means they will complain about how the food was cooked, or they will complain about where they were sat. I actually had a lady complain because I misread her name one time.
5. Don't ever judge a book by it's cover. When it comes to customers, never ever prejudged them. Even if those citizens live up to the stereotype. You shouldn't judge them, they may leave you with a surprise. For example, one time, two elder citizens left me a fifteen dollar tip on their fifteen dollar meal, because I didn't prejudged them, and I was nice and respectful.
6. Enjoy your job. If you aren't enjoying it, I'm probably not going to enjoy your service.


  1. Happy Birthday!! I love when I can go to work and know the people aren't just employees, but friends too!
